


[oot@see ~]# t -zxf khunte-.4.6.t.gz     #版本可能不同,命令都一樣

[oot@see ~]# cd khunte-.4.6

[oot@see khunte-.4.6]# ./instlle.sh Rlyout defult Rinstll



參數 含義 -c, Rcheck 必選參數,表示檢測當前系統 Rconfigfile <file> 使用特定配置文件 Rconjob 作爲con任務定期運行 Rsk, Rskip-keypess 自動完成所有檢測,跳過鍵盤輸入 Rsummy 顯示檢測結果的統計信息 Rupdte 檢測更新內容 -V, Resion 顯示版本信息 Resioncheck 檢測最新版本 Rpopupd [file | diectoy ] 建立樣本文件,建議安裝完系統就建立


[oot@mste khunte-.4.6]# khunte -c [ Rootkit Hunte esion .4.6 ] Checking system commnds... Pefoming 'stings' commnd checks Checking 'stings' commnd [ OK ] Pefoming 'shed libies' checks Checking fo peloding ibles [ None found ] Checking fo peloded libies [ None found ] Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH ible [ Not found ] Pefoming file popeties checks Checking fo peequisites [ Wning ] /us/locl/bin/khunte [ OK ] /us/sbin/dduse [ OK ] /us/sbin/chkconfig [ OK ] /us/sbin/choot [ OK ] /us/sbin/depmod [ OK ] /us/sbin/fsck [ OK ] /us/sbin/goupdd [ OK ] /us/sbin/goupdel [ OK ] /us/sbin/goupmod [ OK ] /us/sbin/gpck [ OK ] /us/sbin/ifconfig [ OK ] /us/sbin/ifdown [ Wning ] /us/sbin/ifup [ Wning ] /us/sbin/init [ OK ] /us/sbin/insmod [ OK ] /us/sbin/ip [ OK ] /us/sbin/lsmod [ OK ] /us/sbin/lsof [ OK ] /us/sbin/modinfo [ OK ] /us/sbin/modpobe [ OK ] /us/sbin/nologin [ OK ] /us/sbin/pwck [ OK ] /us/sbin/mmod [ OK ] /us/sbin/oute [ OK ] /us/sbin/syslogd [ OK ] /us/sbin/unleel [ OK ] /us/sbin/sesttus [ OK ] /us/sbin/sshd [ OK ] /us/sbin/sulogin [ OK ] /us/sbin/sysctl [ OK ] /us/sbin/usedd [ OK ] /us/sbin/usedel [ OK ] /us/sbin/usemod [ OK ] /us/sbin/ipw [ OK ] /us/bin/wk [ OK ] /us/bin/bsenme [ OK ] /us/bin/bsh [ OK ] /us/bin/ct [ OK ] /us/bin/chtt [ OK ] /us/bin/chmod [ OK ] /us/bin/chown [ OK ] /us/bin/cp [ OK ] /us/bin/cul [ OK ] /us/bin/cut [ OK ] /us/bin/dte [ OK ] /us/bin/df [ OK ] /us/bin/diff [ OK ] /us/bin/dinme [ OK ] /us/bin/dmesg [ OK ] /us/bin/du [ OK ] /us/bin/echo [ OK ] /us/bin/egep [ Wning ] /us/bin/en [ OK ] /us/bin/fgep [ Wning ] /us/bin/file [ OK ] /us/bin/find [ OK ] /us/bin/gep [ OK ] /us/bin/goups [ OK ] /us/bin/hed [ OK ] /us/bin/id [ OK ] /us/bin/ipcs [ OK ] /us/bin/kill [ OK ] /us/bin/lst [ OK ] /us/bin/lstlog [ OK ] /us/bin/ldd [ Wning ] /us/bin/less [ OK ] /us/bin/logge [ OK ] /us/bin/login [ OK ] /us/bin/ls [ OK ] /us/bin/lstt [ OK ] /us/bin/md5sum [ OK ] /us/bin/mktemp [ OK ] /us/bin/moe [ OK ] /us/bin/mount [ OK ] /us/bin/m [ OK ] /us/bin/netstt [ OK ] /us/bin/newgp [ OK ] /us/bin/psswd [ OK ] /us/bin/pel [ OK ] /us/bin/pgep [ OK ] /us/bin/ping [ OK ] /us/bin/pkill [ OK ] /us/bin/ps [ OK ] /us/bin/pwd [ OK ] /us/bin/edlink [ OK ] /us/bin/pm [ OK ] /us/bin/uncon [ OK ] /us/bin/sed [ OK ] /us/bin/sh [ OK ] /us/bin/shsum [ OK ] /us/bin/sh224sum [ OK ] /us/bin/sh256sum [ OK ] /us/bin/sh384sum [ OK ] /us/bin/sh52sum [ OK ] /us/bin/size [ OK ] /us/bin/sot [ OK ] /us/bin/ssh [ OK ] /us/bin/stt [ OK ] /us/bin/stce [ OK ] /us/bin/stings [ OK ] /us/bin/su [ OK ] /us/bin/sudo [ OK ] /us/bin/til [ OK ] /us/bin/telnet [ OK ] /us/bin/test [ OK ] /us/bin/top [ OK ] /us/bin/touch [ OK ] /us/bin/t [ OK ] /us/bin/unme [ OK ] /us/bin/uniq [ OK ] /us/bin/uses [ OK ] /us/bin/mstt [ OK ] /us/bin/w [ OK ] /us/bin/wtch [ OK ] /us/bin/wc [ OK ] /us/bin/wget [ OK ] /us/bin/whtis [ OK ] /us/bin/wheeis [ OK ] /us/bin/which [ OK ] /us/bin/who [ OK ] /us/bin/whomi [ OK ] /us/bin/numfmt [ OK ] /us/bin/kmod [ OK ] /us/bin/systemctl [ OK ] /us/bin/gwk [ OK ] /us/lib/systemd/systemd [ OK ] /etc/khunte.conf [ OK ] [Pess <ENTER> to continue] Checking fo ootkits... Pefoming check of known ootkit files nd diectoies 55808 Tojn - Vint A [ Not found ] ADM Wom [ Not found ] AjKit Rootkit [ Not found ] Adoe Rootkit [ Not found ] P Kit [ Not found ] Apche Wom [ Not found ] Ambient (k) Rootkit [ Not found ] Blu Rootkit [ Not found ] BestKit Rootkit [ Not found ] beX2 Rootkit [ Not found ] BOBKit Rootkit [ Not found ] cb Rootkit [ Not found ] CiNIK Wom (Slppe.B int) [ Not found ] Dnny-Boy's Abuse Kit [ Not found ] Deil RootKit [ Not found ] Dimophine LKM [ Not found ] Dic-Kit Rootkit [ Not found ] Dems Rootkit [ Not found ] Duwkz Rootkit [ Not found ] Ebuy bckdoo [ Not found ] Enye LKM [ Not found ] Fle Linux Rootkit [ Not found ] Fu Rootkit [ Not found ] Fuck`it Rootkit [ Not found ] GsKit Rootkit [ Not found ] Heoin LKM [ Not found ] HjC Kit [ Not found ] ignoKit Rootkit [ Not found ] IntoXoni-NG Rootkit [ Not found ] Iix Rootkit [ Not found ] Jynx Rootkit [ Not found ] Jynx2 Rootkit [ Not found ] KBest Rootkit [ Not found ] Kitko Rootkit [ Not found ] Knk Rootkit [ Not found ] ld-linux.so Rootkit [ Not found ] Li0n Wom [ Not found ] Lockit / LJK2 Rootkit [ Not found ] Mokes bckdoo [ Not found ] Mood-NT Rootkit [ Not found ] MRK Rootkit [ Not found ] Ni0 Rootkit [ Not found ] Ohh Rootkit [ Not found ] Optic Kit (Tux) Wom [ Not found ] Oz Rootkit [ Not found ] Phlnx Rootkit [ Not found ] Phlnx2 Rootkit [ Not found ] Phlnx2 Rootkit (extended tests) [ Not found ] Potcelo Rootkit [ Not found ] R3dstom Toolkit [ Not found ] RH-Shpe's Rootkit [ Not found ] RSHA's Rootkit [ Not found ] Sclpe Wom [ Not found ] Sebek LKM [ Not found ] Shutdown Rootkit [ Not found ] SHV4 Rootkit [ Not found ] SHV5 Rootkit [ Not found ] Sin Rootkit [ Not found ] Slppe Wom [ Not found ] Snekin Rootkit [ Not found ] 'Spnish' Rootkit [ Not found ] Suckit Rootkit [ Not found ] Supekit Rootkit [ Not found ] TBD (Telnet BckDoo) [ Not found ] TeLeKiT Rootkit [ Not found ] T0n Rootkit [ Not found ] tNkit Rootkit [ Not found ] Tojnit Kit [ Not found ] Tuxtendo Rootkit [ Not found ] URK Rootkit [ Not found ] Vmpie Rootkit [ Not found ] VcKit Rootkit [ Not found ] Volc Rootkit [ Not found ] Xzibit Rootkit [ Not found ] zRwT.KiT Rootkit [ Not found ] ZK Rootkit [ Not found ] [Pess <ENTER> to continue] Pefoming dditionl ootkit checks Suckit Rootkit dditionl checks [ OK ] Checking fo possible ootkit files nd diectoies [ None found ] Checking fo possible ootkit stings [ None found ] Pefoming mlwe checks Checking unning pocesses fo suspicious files [ None found ] Checking fo login bckdoos [ None found ] Checking fo sniffe log files [ None found ] Checking fo suspicious diectoies [ None found ] Checking fo suspicious (lge) shed memoy segments [ None found ] Checking fo Apche bckdoo [ Not found ] Pefoming Linux specific checks Checking loded kenel modules [ OK ] Checking kenel module nmes [ OK ] [Pess <ENTER> to continue] Checking the netwok... Pefoming checks on the netwok pots Checking fo bckdoo pots [ None found ] Pefoming checks on the netwok intefces Checking fo pomiscuous intefces [ None found ] Checking the locl host... Pefoming system boot checks Checking fo locl host nme [ Found ] Checking fo system sttup files [ Found ] Checking system sttup files fo mlwe [ None found ] Pefoming goup nd ccount checks Checking fo psswd file [ Found ] Checking fo oot equilent (UID 0) ccounts [ None found ] Checking fo psswodless ccounts [ None found ] Checking fo psswd file chnges [ None found ] Checking fo goup file chnges [ None found ] Checking oot ccount shell histoy files [ OK ] Pefoming system configution file checks Checking fo n SSH configution file [ Found ] Checking if SSH oot ccess is llowed [ Wning ] Checking if SSH potocol is llowed [ Wning ] Checking fo othe suspicious configution settings [ None found ] Checking fo unning system logging demon [ Found ] Checking fo system logging configution file [ Found ] Checking if syslog emote logging is llowed [ Not llowed ] Pefoming filesystem checks Checking /de fo suspicious file types [ Wning ] Checking fo hidden files nd diectoies [ Wning ] [Pess <ENTER> to continue] System checks summy ===================== File popeties checks... Requied commnds check filed Files checked: 27 Suspect files: 5 Rootkit checks... Rootkits checked : 496 Possible ootkits: 0 Applictions checks... All checks skipped The system checks took: 5 minutes nd 43 seconds All esults he been witten to the log file: //log/khunte.log One o moe wnings he been found while checking the system. Plese check the log file (//log/khunte.log)


[oot@mste khunte-.4.6]# khunte Rcheck Rskip-keypess



30 09 * * * oot /us/locl/bin/khunte –check –conjob




$ en x='() { :;}; echo ulneble̻ bsh -c “echo this is test̶


this is test



yum -y updte bsh


$ en x='() { :;}; echo ulneble̻ bsh -c “echo this is test̶

bsh: wning: x: ignoing function definition ttempt

bsh: eo impoting function definition fo `x̻

this is test
