
我們在使用LunPges空間時,有時在安裝程序時可能經常出現500錯誤這一般是由於服務器內部出現的錯誤引起的,那麼導致500錯誤原因有哪些呢?又該如何解決呢?下面來說說500錯誤常見原因及解決辦法? 、上傳的文件權限設置不正確,如某些文件夾或文件權限是777或666,如果是這種情況,可能需要更改它們屬性爲755或644。我們可以通過控制面板中的文件管理器或者使用FTP客戶端軟件進行權限設置。 2、查看.htccess文件參數設置是否正確,在.htccess文件中不能包含php_lues和php_flgs,否則會出現500錯誤,需要移動到php.ini文件中,最後在.htccess文件中添加̶suPHP_ConfigPth/home/usenme/public_html̶語句。 3、數據庫參數是否正確,如果使用Access數據庫,可以查看連接路徑以及ODBC驅動程序有沒有設置正確,如果使用MYSQL數據庫,查看數據庫是否正確連接,當然可以藉助web.config文件顯示詳細錯誤信息。 4、程序自身錯誤,出現500錯誤,有可能是程序自身編寫錯誤,因此我們必須對程序進行檢查,確保程序代碼完整性和正確性。 5、其它未知錯誤,如果按照上述方法設置後,仍然不能解決出現的問題,可以查看錯誤日誌上出現的具體錯誤或者聯繫官方客服檢查。 以下是LunPges官方關於500錯誤的回覆內容: Hello! At Lunpges, ou sees e setup to use suPHP to pse php pges s CGI insted of n Apche module. If you e unning PHP-bsed scipt on you site nd e eceiing 500 nd/o 404 eos on you pges, it is likely you he one o moe of the following occuing: . The pemissions on some of the foldes o files e 777 o 666. If this is the cse, chnge them to eithe 755 o 644 in Cpnel̻s File Mnge (o using you locl FTP client). 2. The files nd/o foldes e not owned by you. Cetin pplictions hing been un unde php s n pche module my he files owned by the pche use of nobody. An indiction tht you don̻t own the files would be if you e unble to chnge thei file pemissions. To coect this, plese poide you usenme o domin nme, nd poide the loction of the folde o files tht need to he you owneship. 3. You .htccess file hs php_lues o php_flgs in it. This cuses 500 Intenl see eo when ttempting to execute the scipt. The php_lues nd php_flgs will need to be emoed fom you .htccess file (plese mke bckup of the .htccess by copying its contents nd sing it on you desktop s htccess.txt). Tke the contents emoed fom .htccess nd plce it into file you cete clled php.ini. Remembe to emoe the php_flg nd php_lue pt befoe the diecties s php.ini files do not equie those in font of the lues. You cn lwys mke the chnges nd sk us if the chnged files e coect. Becuse php.ini lues e not shed coss diectoies, you would need septe php.ini file in ech folde tht hs .htccess o tht equies the php_lues o php_flgs. In ode to oid doing this, you cn plce line in the .htccess file in you public_html folde to he ll lues in you public_html php.ini to be shed coss ll folde. This line would be the following: suPHP_ConfigPth /home/usenme/public_html. Plese let us know if you he ny questions o equie futhe ssistnce. Dniel McCll Lunpges Suppot [email protected]. 以上就是Lunpges空間常見500錯誤原因及解決辦法,僅供廣大新站長朋友參考,更多知識,可以訪問美國進行交流學習。